miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

My last term

Hello, my name is Stephanie Parada, I study psychology in this faculty. Now I am in my last semester of my career.
Really, the last term was for my very difficult. I often was about to get stressed, because it was a semester very intense in all aspect of my life.
With respect to the University’s demand was very high, however I learned many things about of my occupation and even myself. In addition, I found the area to which I want to spend when you finish the career. This is: Child Clinic.
Regarding to free time activities I practiced Arab dance and I had to make a presentation when the workshop ended. I love dance, but I don’t practice often, because my priority is other.
On the other hand, last term wasn’t so good with friends. I stopped seeing some of my friends, because we didn’t the same concept of friendships.
Really big challenges that I faced the previous semester had to do with the family. This year my family has had major problems, which affected me a lot.
In this respect, I think on an emotional level the previous semester was not very good for me. For this I hope this new semester is better!

7 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Canción para la Sirena

    Largo tiempo a flote en los océanos sin barcos
    Hice lo mejor que pude para sonreir
    Hasta que tus ojos y dedos cantantes
    Me atrajeron a tus encantadores ojos

    Y tú cantaste:
    “Navega hacia mí,
    navega hacia mí,
    déjame abrazarte”
    Aquí estoy
    Aquí estoy esperando para abrazarte.

    ¿Soñé que soñaste conmigo?
    ¿Ffuiste liebre cuando fui zorro?
    Ahora mi ridículo bote se está inclinando
    Amor no correspondido destrozado en tus rocas

    Cantaste para ti:
    “No me toques,
    no me toques,
    vuelve mañana”
    Oh mi corazón
    Oh mi corazón se respinga de dolor

    Estoy tan desconcertado como un niño recién nacido
    Estoy tan agitado como la marea
    ¿Debería quedarme entre las grandes olas?
    ¿O debería yacer con la muerte, mi novia?

    Escuchame cantar:
    “Nada hacia mí,
    nada hacia mí,
    déjame abrazarte”
    Aquí estoy
    Aquí estoy esperando para abrazarte.

  3. es lo que mas quiero en este mundo mi amor eterno
